Why the Bra Works

A small-busted woman usually does not make the most of what she has. She usually wears a padded bra that gives her a false front. It also flattens and spreads her breast tissue over her chest wall, and impedes circulation throughout the tissue. Separating the breast can cause mastitis and other health problems especially during pregnancy or lactation.

Most of these women buy bras that not only do not adequately support and protect their breast, but the bras they wear are really a source of irritation as well. Through the years they develop pendulous, matronly looking breast because of a lack of proper support from their bras. The breast tissue moves with each step in an ill-fitted bra so that the collagenous fibers supporting the tissue is stretched or broken, stretch marks are visible in the skin. The breast tissue is displaced under the arms, down the midriff and into a now pendulous bust-line. A properly fitted bra, worn through the years, will keep that youthful figure a woman desires.

The fuller-figured woman has the greatest problem for finding a bra that really fits and supports. The extra weight of her breast not only compounds the problems previously mentioned, but also makes it nearly impossible, in today’s marketplace, to find a bra that fits correctly. Most bras only provide support by being suspended from a sliding shoulder strap. The pressure makes deep, painful grooves in women’s shoulders. Elastic straps progressively stretch, causing the problems described above. The weight of the breasts can also cause posture problems.

The correctly fitted bra on the other hand provided proper support and relief from sore shoulders. It minimizes the appearance of the fuller figure by facilitating improved drainage of accumulated breast fluid afforded by improved circulation. She looks thinner and is more comfortable.

The teenage girl needs to have a bra that will provide her with support and direction so that she can continue to keep the loveliness of her youthful figure. Her breast tissue needs to be properly positioned and supported, which only the proper bra can provide.

When a woman is active in sports, the breast tissue will be subjected to a great deal of movement. The proper bra will counteract the effects motion play upon the stretching of delicate bust tissue.

The pregnant woman is experiencing many changes in her body. The proper fitting bra can help provide gentle and firm support to aid an increase in breast fullness.

A woman who has undergone a mastectomy has special needs. A correctly fitted bra can assure that the prosthesis can be worn with comfort and security, and that the woman has renewed confidence and self-esteem.

A woman who has undergone a mastectomy has special needs. A correctly fitted bra can assure that the prosthesis can be worn with comfort and security, and that the woman has renewed confidence and self-esteem.

A properly fitted bra is designed not to trap breast tissue which ensures great circulation & lymphatic flow. It helps to reduce the “let down syndrome” by supporting the breast from underneath. It provides an excellent shelf for nursing with easy to release bra cups.

Bra Riding Up Your Back?   Deep Grooves in Your Shoulders?
Pendulous Breasts?   Neck, Back or Shoulder Pain?
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